
    • We are heartbroken to report the untimely passing of Daniel Licht, our good friend and a client of EMP since its inception. The cause of death was a rare form of sarcoma, and his passing came just weeks after it was discovered.

      Dan was probably best known for his hauntingly ironic music for the Showtime series Dexter, in which found instruments such as knives, duct tape, saws, scissors and human bones accompanied the more conventional chamber orchestra employed for the episodes.

      Dan got his start in music playing jazz guitar in New York City. We had been regaled with stories about gigs with Miles Davis and Don Cherry. He traveled the world as a studio and live player, experimenting with all manner of plucked and strummed stringed instruments. The experience served him well when a call from renowned composer Christopher Young brought him into the world of film music.

      Dan worked with Chris on a number of films and soon became known in his own right, following in his mentor’s footsteps in the horror genre with films like Hellraiser: Bloodline, Stephen King’s Thinner, and a number of the Amityville films. But his irreverent style also caught the attention of auteur indie directors like Alex Cox and Gregg Araki for whom he scored the films The Winner and Splendor. Save these movies from any popular platform with video downloader. Among the hundreds of hours of television Dan scored were the series Deception, Body of Proof, The Red Road, and Guilt. He was also a huge presence in the world of games, winning awards for his score to Dishonored, Dishonored 2, Silent Hill: Book Of Memories and Downpour.

      Dan got married a little later in life, and we’ve never seen him happier than these recent years spent in his sprawling Topanga home with wife Hilary and young son Kian. We grieve with them today, as well as with his mother Eve, brothers Ed and Alan, and sister Deborah. He was also an active in a number of composer groups and was much admired by his fellow composers, some of whom have already reached out to us to share a story and a tear. He was a fantastic guy and an amazing and completely original composing talent. We’re going to miss him.

    • Just announced at E3: This fall there will be a new chapter to the Dishonored world. It will feature new music that I wrote for this release and I hope to share with you later this month. Prepare to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider!


    • I recently finished the score for the Lifetime movie Tiny House of Terror. The film is airing on June 24 at 8/7c on Lifetime Movie Network. I had a great time getting back into the horror genre and I’m looking forward to sharing some of the music with you soon.


    • All episodes of the TV show Guilt that I scored last year are now streaming on Freeform!



    • Dishonored 2 just won best Action/Adventure game at the 2016 Game Awards


      Now available on Steam and Bethesda


“Daniel Licht has provided a Pandora’s Box full of musical treats with his work on the Showtime Original Series DEXTER.”
~The Examiner

Dan Licht Bio

Dan Licht - Composer of the Emmy Award winning show, Dexter, and hugely popular video games, Silent Hill and Dishonored, one of Daniel Licht’s first experiences as a musician resulted in him hanging out with Miles Davis and playing jazz with Don Cherry in New York City. Licht continued to develop as a musician by playing around the world. In Germany, Holland, and Northern Europe he performed and composed music for theatre and dance companies, then Licht went on to Japan and Indonesia where he participated in Gamelan orchestras on the islands of Java and Bali. These travels broadened Licht’s definition of music. You may be surprised to know that knives, duct tape, wine glasses, saws, scissors, and even human bones (!) have been used as instruments and recorded at his studio.
It was his good friend and colleague, composer Christopher Young, (Spiderman III), who beckoned Licht west. Once in Hollywood, Licht began collaborating with directors and producers on a variety of projects such as the Stephen King’s thriller, Thinner; Ben Stiller’s drama, Permanent Midnight and the Bradley Cooper comedy, Kitchen Confidential.

His irreverent combinations of musical styles soon earned him a reputation as a wholly original composer and he became the favorite of iconoclastic film-makers. Indie icon Leon Ichaso had Licht score his film Hendrix, Sundance Film Festival’s darling Gregg Araki hired him for Splendor and Academy Award winner Xavier Koller asked Licht to score Cowboy Up. Clive Barker handpicked Licht to score Hellraiser: Bloodline, and ABC selected Licht to compose music for their sleeper hit Body Of Proof. NBC requested Licht to score Deception and contribute additional music for their hit action-thriller, The Blacklist.

Most recently Licht is working with Sundance Channel on the second season of their critically acclaimed dramatic series, The Red Road, starring Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones) and Martin Henderson (The Ring).


“The Red Road”

Sundance TV (2015)




The Red Road



Permanent Midnight



Memory Keeper’s Daughter


Silent Hill -Downpour


Beneath The Dark


Hellraiser 4


King Solomon’s Mine


The Winner




Dan Licht

Live @Largo /Los Angeles



Dexter Suite for Orchestra - FMF Krakow Official Video
Interview at FMF, Krakow
Dishonored 2 Trailer
Dexter - Season 8 Final Scoring Session
DISHONORED - “Honor For All” Unplugged
Dexter Concerto for Surgical Instruments
Daniel Licht Live at Largo
Live / Soundtrack
Getty Travertine Improv with Ernst Reijseger and Daniel Licht
Dishonored Animation



Video Game Soundtrack (2013)


Credit List

Ghostmates Film (2016) Producers: Barry Blumberg, Jeffy Can | YouTube Red
Guilt Series (2016) Producers: Nichole Millard, Kathryn Price | Freeform
Dishonored 2 Video Game (2016) | Bethesda Softworks
The Red Road Series (2015) Producers: Bridget Carpenter, Sarah Condon | SundanceTV
The Blacklist Series (2014) (Additional Music) Producers: Jon Bokenkamp, Anthony Sparks | NBC
Dexter Series (2006-2013) Producers: Clyde Phillips, Sara Colleton, John Goldwyn | Showtime
Deception Series (2013) Producers: Liz Heldens, Gail Berman, Lloyd Braun | NBC
Dishonored Video Game (2013)| Bethesda Softworks
Body of Proof Series (2012) Producers: Matthew Gross, Chris Murphey | ABC
Silent Hill - Book of Memories Video Game (2012) | Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
Beneath the Dark Film (2011) Director: Chad Feehan | IFC Films
Silent Hill – Downpour Video Game (2011) | Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
Dumbstruck (2010) (Documentary) Director: Mark Goffman | Truly Indie
Maneater Mini-series (2009) Director: Timothy Busfield | Lifetime Television
Gym Teacher: The Movie TV Film (2009) Director: Paul Dinello | Nickelodeon Original Movies
The Memory Keeper’s Daughter TV Film (2008) Director: Mick Jackson | Lifetime Television
Cashmere Mafia Series (2008) Producers: Darren Starr, Cathy M. Frank, Gail Katz | ABC
Jake In Progress Series (2006) Producer: Jeff Morton, Austin Winsberg | ABC
Kitchen Confidential Series (2006) Producers: David Hemingson, Darren Star | FOX
Icon TV Film (2005) Director: Charles Martin Smith | The Hallmark Channel
King Solomon’s Mines TV Film (2004) Director: Steve Boyum | The Hallmark Channel
Oliver Beene Series (2003) Producers: Carter Bays, Jim Berstein | FOX
Soul Survivors Film (2001) Director: Stephen Carpenter | Artisan Entertainment
Cowboy Up Film (2001) Director: Xavier Koller | Destination Films
Anatomy Of A Hate Crime TV Film (2001) Director: Tim Hunter | MTV
Hendrix TV Film (1999) Director: Leon Ichaso | Showtime/MGM
Execution Of Justice TV Film (1999) Director: Leon Ichaso | Showtime/Paramount
Don’t Look Under The Bed TV Film (1999) Director: Kenneth Johnson | The Disney Channel
Splendor Film (1999) Director: Gregg Araki | Samuel Goldwyn Films
Permanent Midnight Film (1998) Director: David Veloz | Artisan Entertainment
Brave New World TV Film (1998) Producers: Todd Sharp, Michael Joyce | NBC
The Winner Film (1997) Director: Alex Cox | Artisan Entertainment
Bad Moon Film (1996) Director: Eric Red | Morgan Creek Productions
Stephen King’s Thinner Film (1996) Director: Tom Holland | Paramount Pictures
Hellraiser: Bloodline Film (1996) Director: Kevin Yeager | Dimension Films
A Woman Undone TV Film (1996) Director: Evelyn Purcell | Showtime
Zooman TV Film (1995) Director: Leon Ichaso | Showtime
The Hard Truth TV Film (1994) Producers: Gary DePew, Carol Rossi | HBO



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